
Wood type Hardwood
Environmental Not listed in CITES. Believed available from well-managed sources. Check certification status with suppliers.
Introduction The Aceraceae family includes some ten species of the genus Acer found in North America, but of these, only about five species are important sources of maple timber; two of these produce rock maple and these are given below.
Acer saccharum Marsh. produces rock maple, hard maple or sugar maple.
A. nigrum Michx f. produces black maple, rock or hard maple.
Distribution Found generally in Canada and eastern USA.
The Tree A. saccharum and A. nigrum grow to a height of 27m or more and a diameter of 0.5m to 0.75m.
The Timber Hard maple is strong, heavy, hard, straight-grained and fine textured. The heartwood is light reddish-brown with deeper-coloured late-wood bands. The sapwood is white in colour, and furnishes the white maple prized for certain uses. It differs mainly from the soft maples in its greater density and firmer texture.
Drying All types dry without undue difficulty but rather slowly, particularly rock maple.
Strength Compared with European beech, rock maple is about equal in bending strength and in compression along the grain. and some 1 5 to 20 per cent superior in hardness, resistance to shock loads and resistance to splitting.
Working Qualities Medium – Medium
Durability Slightly durable
Treatability Difficult
Abrasions Very Good
(mean, Kg/m³)
Texture Fine
Availability Regular
Price Low to medium
Chemical Properties High resistance to abbrasion
Use(s) Sports goods, Furniture, Flooring
Colour(s) White/cream


Olive Square
QRM 11

Tel: +356 25522703
  +356 21487078
Mob: +356 9943 0330

Opening Hours

Wood Supplies

Monday to Friday:  07:00 - 15:30

Saturday:  07:00 - 11:00

Parquet/Decking/Turf and Awnings

Monday to Friday:  07:00 - 16:30

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